
We strongly believe in Montessori Method of teaching for the early age group of children, also adding value to the system related educational aids, socialization aspects and health concepts.

Teaching Tree

The Montessori Method is an educating approach for children based on the research and experiences of Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori (1870-1952). It arose in the process of her experimental observation of young children given freedom in an environment, leading her to believe by 1907 that she had discovered "the child's true normal nature." Based on her observations, she created an environment prepared with materials designed for their self-directed learning activity.

Difference between Traditional and Montessori School
Traditional Education
Montessori Education
Rigid Curriculum
Flexible curriculum
Progresses at teacher's pace
Allows the child to learn at his own pace
Constant guidance by teacher
Child free to discover on his own
Non scientific
Scientific method of teaching
Much role-play and fantasy
Reality orientated
Random placement - not necessary to return to specific place
Specific places for materials - sense of order
Teacher decides what the child has to learn
Child chooses activities according to inner needs
Teacher-centered environment
Child-centered learning environment
Use of reward and punishment in motivation
Self-education through self-correcting materials
All children are treated alike
Recognition of sensitive periods in each child
Play materials for non-specific skills
Multi-sensory materials to develop specific skills
Rigid rules not to move furniture and to sit in designated places
Liberty to move about self and furniture
Silence is on many occasions enforced
Liberty to speak (without disturbing others) as he pleases
Textbooks, pencil and paper & worksheets
Prepared kinesthetic materials with incorporated control of error, specially developed reference materials
Working and learning without emphasis on social development
Working and learning matched to the social development of the child
Students passive, quiet, in desks
Students active, talking, with periods of spontaneous quiet, freedom to move
Single-graded classrooms
Multi-age classrooms
Product-focused report cards
Process-focused assessment, skills checklists, mastery benchmarks
Key Principles of the prepared Montessori Environment

1. Independence

The environment is prepared to enable the children to become physically independent of the mentors in the classroom. This also enables them to be more decisive and develop the ability to think independently, take decisions and decide things for themselves.

2. Indirect preparation

Although activities are prepared with their own developmental aim in mind they also prepare the children for future activities. This indirect preparation is both physical and also abstract cognition. For example, several sensorial materials, prepare the children beforehand for them to introduce Arithmetic, Language, Writing and Geometry.

3. Order

The order is something that pervades in a Montessori environment. For the small child in the Children’s House the physical order of the prepared environment is obvious, but the order also underlies all of the less tangible aspects of the environment e.g. the consistency of the mentors and their approach, the order of presentation etc. For the older child the social order becomes more important.

4. Choice

The environment will give the child the opportunity to choose from a range of activities that are suitable to his developmental needs.

5. Freedom

We ensure that the prepared environment is with child's freedom, to choose, to work for as long as he wants to, to not work, to work without being interrupted by other children or by the constraints of a timetable etc.

6. Mixed Age Range

Another part of the environment is the formation of a community with at least a three year age range, This allows for children to learn from each other in a non competitive atmosphere and directly prepares the child for living in society and the world.

7. Movement

The environment will allow the child's free movement so that they can exercise their freedom to bring themselves into contact with the things and people in their environment that are required for the development.

8. Control of Error

The atmosphere and in particular the materials will be prepared in a manner that allows the children to become aware of their mistakes and to it correct themselves so that they realize and understand that it is all right to be wrong and that we can learn from our mistakes.

9. Materials

The materials that we choose for the environment will act as keys to the child's development and we prepare the environment with this in mind. The Montessori materials chosen will be directed by the child's essential developmental needs at each age range.

Role of the Mentor

The role of the mentor in a Montessori environment is to facilitate the child to teach themselves by following their own inner urges to explore the environment. ie. Through the Montessori materials, outdoor areas, garden, and people around-through means of conversation times, circle times, etc.